Strengthening Our Community Together

Our community programs offer support and resources where they are needed most, from in-home care to crisis intervention and education. Join us in building a healthier, stronger community for all.

The Behavioral
Health Network (BNet)

The Behavioral Health Network (BNet) is a comprehensive behavioral health care plan for children actively enrolled Florida KidCare, Inc., a statewide health care plan for children.

BNet serves children ages 5 through 19, who are not enrolled in Medicaid. BNet treats the entire spectrum of mental health disorders and provides both children and their parents with intense behavioral health planning and treatment services for the duration of the child’s enrollment.

BNet Mental Health Services are customized to the needs of each child and includes:
  • In-home and outpatient individual and
    family counseling
  • In-home and outpatient targeted case
  • Psychiatry services and medication
    management including direct access to
    Eleos’ pharmacy with no co-pays
  • Advocacy and provision for wrap-around
    services to meet each child’s social,
    educational, nutritional and physical activity
  • Specialty services including Behavioral
    Analysis, Trauma Therapy and Dialectical
    Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Program Description

The BNet model is an integrated service delivery approach that utilizes a team of individuals that provide in-home counseling, targeted case management, and psychiatric services. The services comprehensively address the needs of the young person and their family who are experiencing behavioral, emotional, and/or mental health difficulties. The goals of the BNet program are to: improve school-related outcomes; decrease out-of-home placements; improve family and youth functioning; decrease substance use and abuse; decrease psychiatric hospitalization; increase health wellness; and transition into age-appropriate services.


  • Young people ages 5-19 with a mental health diagnosis and a GAF score of 49 or below
  • Florida Kid care Insurance (Title XXI)


  • Individual and Family Therapy
  • Case Management services
  • Psychiatric services to include but are not limited to Psychiatric Evaluations and medication management
  • On-site pharmacy
  • Wrap around services which include but are not limited to extracurricular activities, tutoring assistance, summer programs and activities, financial stabilization funds, etc.


The discharge planning process includes the following concepts:

  • Planning begins at admission
  • Includes ongoing discussion as part of the Plan of Care Review
  • Includes active involvement of the young person and their family
  • Includes transition to the adult mental health and other systems, as appropriate
  • Includes an aftercare plan developed in collaboration with the young person and family that is provided to them. The aftercare plan should take advantage of all community services and supports

For more information to enroll in Florida KidCare call Florida KidCare, Inc.:
(1-888-540-5437) or visit

For BNet eligibility call Brittany Trenker, Clinical Manger of Community and Family Programs at (727) 902-8062 or email:

The Community Action Team (CAT)

The Community Action Team (CAT) is a self-contained
multi-disciplinary clinical team that serves children and their
families who reside in Pinellas County. CAT provides
in-home, family-centered services individualized according
to the strengths and needs of the child and family. The
team and family work together with a goal of supporting
and sustaining the youth or young adult in the most
appropriate environment.

Services provided and/or coordinated by the team include:

  • Psychiatric (evaluation and medication management)
  • Therapy (individual and family)
  • Case Management
  • Mentoring
  • Crisis intervention and on-call/support are offered 7 days a week from 6:00 pm to 8:00 am
  • Educational system advocacy, coordination and tutoring
  • Legal system advocacy and coordination
  • Parenting skills/behavior modification
  • Family support network development
  • Employment/Vocational services
  • Life Skills Development
  • Respite Services

For more information to enroll in Florida KidCare call Florida KidCare, Inc.:
(1-888-540-5437) or visit

For CAT eligibility call Brittany Trenker, Clinical Manger of Community and Family Programs at (727) 902-8062 or email:

FSI Connect

FSI is a prevention initiative focusing on providing families the right service, at the right time. The initiative provides support and wrap-around services to meet the family’s basic needs and helps to empower and educate them to become self-sufficient, and anchored within our community.

La iniciativa de servicios familiares (FSI) se enfoca en proveer ayuda a familias para cubrir sus necesidades con servicios adecuados en el momento adecuado. Esta iniciativa provee servicios integrales para satisfacer las necesidades básicas de la familia, y además empodera y educa a las familias a ser autosuficientes dentro de la comunidad.

Family Services Initiative Eligibility Criteria:

  • Families are able to obtain goods and/or services from the Family Services Initiative (FSI) once they have met the eligibility criteria and established a need.
  • In order to participate in FSI, a family must provide proof of the following:
  • Pinellas County Residency
  • Custody of a child under the age of 18 in the household (or confirmed pregnancy)
  • A valid Social Security Number
  • Income or financial benefits (verify according to poverty guidelines)
  • Sustainability

Para participar en FSI Connect, una familia debe proporcionar prueba de lo siguiente:

  • Familias que viven en el Condado Pinellas
  • Familias con al menos un hijo menor de 18 años o mujeres embarazadas
  • Familias con ingresos igual o inferior al 250% del índice federal de pobreza

System Navigation & Family Services Initiative

System Navigation (SN) is a family-driven program offering free services to all eligible families; services are funded by the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County and are a collaborative effort Gulfcoast Jewish Family Community Services. To access services, call 727-888-HELP for an eligibility screening.

SN is designed to work in partnership with families toassist in resource management and service linkage, and to reduce family stressors and strengthen overall

System Navigation (SN) services are intended to
maximize resources while meeting the needs and
building on the strengths of each family; services

  • Screening for service eligibility
  • Targeted, in-depth assessment for identified
  • System Navigation (Case Management) services to ensure the family and child(ren) needs are being met through community resource linking and education
  • Access to mental health services including:
    ▪ Individual, group, and family outpatient
    ▪ In-home family services
    ▪ Behavior modification

FSI Family Connection Navigation; FSI HOME
Navigation; FSI system Navigation; Building Strong Families; School-Based Navigation; Largo Strong served a total of 844 households or 2,532 individuals in 2020.

We pride in a 98% success rate and are integrated throughout Pinellas County with a diverse range of programs and services such as; Building Strong Families, Fiduciary Education, Homeless Leadership Alliance, CareerSource Pinellas, Coral Way Neighborhood collaboration, to name a few.

As part of the discharge planning process,
IMPACT Continuing Care assists clients to
identify additional resources that help
resolve behavioral health crises and promote
self-sufficiency. The discharge planning
process includes the following concepts:

  • Planning begins at admission
  • Includes ongoing safety planning
  • Includes frequent review of service plan goals
  • Encourages inclusion of client’s natural support systems
  • Includes information and referral on community programs to establish long-term services to promote overall wellness.
System Navigation (SN) is located at the Eleos Palm Way Campus at 1614 Palm Way, Largo, FL 33771.


Courtney Covington, Coordinator of Community and Family Services email:
Angela Carpenter, System Navigator Supervisor email:
Dolores Raffa, System Navigator Supervisor email:

Building Strong Families

A partnership with United Way of Suncoast

A long term housing stabilization program for
families; focused on minimizing disruptive school moves due to improvements. Housing events; strengthened overall sustainability long term; increased financial education and fiduciary understanding – Income vs Expenses basic budgeting and credit score improvement.

Assistance when indicated with transportation, childcare, employment, housing, utilities and food

Building Strong Families

Campbell Park and Greenwood United Way Resource Centers

On site co-located Community Navigators (CN) at the CPRC and the GWRC in partnership with the United Way of Suncoast; providing drop in wrap around support and resource and service linkages to the members of the community

These services can be brief, one-time
connections, or longer in duration participation depending on the scope of the need; assistance is for individuals as well as families, and is individualized to best support the community member

Food, transportation, last resort incidental assistance, SNAP applications, employment, IT support on site